Thursday, September 30, 2010

Reading blog # 5

Put together a collection of familiar logos that you encounter on a regular basis, whether in media, on your computer, on products around the home, even on the clothing you and others wear. Choose one or two as case studies of how logos work as forms of communication and persuasion. Some ideas you might consider:
  • Do the images represent real objects (like an apple) or are they more abstract (like a swoosh)?
  • Where do you encounter these logos most often? why do you think the creators of the logos deploy them where they do?
  • how have people adopted and adapted these logos as part of their own wardrobe, decor, or other aspects of their identity? What are the attractions of logos as fashion statements or markers of status? who is using whom in these transactions, in your opinion?

The first logo i chose was  mcdonalds logo we love to see you smile. I chose this because not only do i love mcdonalds i feel the logo says alot about them as a company. It says to the consumer that there happiness is important to them. it makes you feel as if when you go to mcdonalds you are going to be well taken care of. also it gives you the idea that you could be having a bad day and a trip to mcdonalds could brightening it up . Millions of people go to mcdonalds everyday so obviously the logo is working but at the sametime i left mcdonalds many times with a smile. I have been there in not got the best service many time but still at least once a week I go.
 My second logo I chose was burger king logo. I also like burger king and feel the logo says alot to consumers. I mean who doesnt  want to have it there way?! Not only with food but just with life in general. Burger King is using this logo to sell the idea that coming there and buying there food you can have your way. This logo is somewhat true because you can make special request at burger king such as a sadnwhich with no tomatoes and cut half. At the sametime can you truley have it your way at bk?? for example say i want mac and cheese can i get that a burger king??  They dont offer everything so what really is having it your way?!


  1. The McDonald's logo makes me think that the company if trying to make us equate McDonalds food with happiness, and that if we eat there we would leave fulfilled. The also use the word "LOVE" in the slogan that goes with it. This is an endearing word to most and is often associated with happiness.

    The Burger King logo and slogan really plays on the option to have your burger custom made, they way the you like it. This also preys on a person's want for individuality in what their tastes are. The logo also shows an image of a crown, which to most is an authoritive image, this is the king of burgers.... they know how it is done and the do it right.

  2. The Mcdonalds logo I agree with you very much on. I think that it represents its food such as the burgers fries shakes etc. Which in turn represents obesity and as much as America loves Mcdonalds I believe it is a huge reason we are so obese. For your second choice i very much agree with what you though about their logo the burger "king" meaning in my opinion eating your way your choice of food, size etc.
